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Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. We bring our attention to the thoughts, feelings and sensations of each present moment so that we do not ruminate on the past or worry about the future. This approach helps to reduce our suffering, whether physical or mental, and teaches us to pause and respond, rather than react to the experience that we are having in that moment.


Some of the benefits of mindfulness are:


  • Reduced anxiety and stress

  • Improved sleep and memory

  • Improved relationships, with self and others

  • Improved quality of life


There are many options available to you to put these mindfulness skills into practice. 8 week Mindfulness for Stress or Health courses, Mindfulness 4 Week Interactive Online courses, one-to-one sessions, workshops or events. We can discuss which would work best for your needs. I look forward to working with you.




Carrie is a mindfulness teacher and NOT a trained counsellor. All participants on courses and one to one sessions are screened, however, if you have any on-going mental or physical issues you may want to speak to a relevant health professional to discuss whether mindfulness is appropriate for you.

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